
Dunham Family

This was a fun Sunday morning for me. It's probably because I love this family. They are a lot of fun. They are real. They are authentic.

I know it was not easy to get those big boys out of bed so early but getting Michael to smile was a breeze :)

Galilee Polina

What a pleasant way to spend a Saturday morning....with a pleasant young lady ;)

Every Tribe

Capturing everyday life. It's an obsession.

Jump circa 1986

Graffiti circa 1986

Italian Door

Venezia Wedding

Vintage Lace

Italy Trip

Our trip to Italy was lovely. You can see images here.

I put my logo on my favorite shots.

Miles and Laura

The beautiful bride carried a coral bouquet.

The kind groom was all about joy.

Vows in Umbria.

Reception in an abbey.

Party in the castle.