
Happy Flower Designs

So, I've been taking lots of photos for Happy Flower Designs new website. Check it out!

Bradley and Sean

I have a sweet spot for these two men...and their sweet friendship.

Just in case you were wondering about my thoughts on the matter.

Staten Island Ferry Ride

I just love capturing time and will never ever forget this precise moment.

I sensed something coming...raised my lens...and snapped.


In time.

Senior Portraits

The first person to leave a comment here...gets the Gift Certificate.

That means DO NOT leave a comment until the Gift Certificate is snagged.

County Fair

Okay I came across one more....


I find it's easy to pick my favs. They are the shots that jump smack out at me like a mac truck. Today's trio.

Brielle & Sophie Saves

You ever have those shots...where you contemplate tossing them for whatever reason? Either they appear too dark/too light/shadows pop up in weird places/this or that is quirky or a bit off....

Sadly...they aren't your "favorites" and might end up in the trash heap. This pair fit into that category.

Then, I decided to play a little...and now they are two of my "favorites."

Out of all of the shots...these are the two I'd probably print big on canvas.


Brielle has the cutest EVER in the whole wide world scrunched up smile.

When I asked her to give me a "soft face"...this is what I got. I love it.

Ever the delicate, peaceful, gentle child...captured at age two.

More Brielle & Sophie


If this child were an animal...she'd be a fawn.

Brielle & Sophie

Brielle's green eyes just about took my breath away. She was the sweetest little thing. At one point, I asked, "Can I get a hug?" I meant a hug for her older sissie...so that I could document their special bond for future generations.

Photo shoot stopped for a moment as this darling two year old came directly over to where I was crouched down...and obliged. Ask and you shall receive.

Sophia has it goin' ON! This girl can pose.

More to come.........

Zion Evangeline