
The Proposal

I was walking through Central Park when something subtle grabbed my attention off to the right. Before even realizing the magical moment I was witnessing...I raised my camera...and ....yes......this really cute tattooed guy in a hat stood before a beautiful blond in a flowing dress and then got down on one knee. I began to shoot.

This sweet sweet couple were in their own little world. It was a long while before they realized I was even there.

Seriously, this might've been the most special moment I've ever had as a photog.

I must tell the story of how he proposed...beacuse it is so darn lovely.

So he hands her a hand bound packet of 8x10 photos. She is flipping through the images of their "married couple" friends who are smiling big and holding up scripture verses. Each married couple is encouraging this "dating couple" in the Word. The last photo in the packet is a photo of a ring.

That's when he gets down on one knee.

How adorable is this guy????????? What a great proposal.

Soooooooooo.....because I saw all the Scripture verses when they showed me the packet.....I say, "Are you guys believers?"

It is the perfect ending to my story....


I took their contact info and promised to send along the photos.


Alex Joy said...

that's so amazing!!

Katie said...

These pictures are so beautiful, and Jason and I are so so blessed that you took them and captured this moment in our lives! You are amazing and we are just so thankful to you! Looking at the pictures is making me cry all over again :)!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

familygregg said...

Katie....you just made me cry all over again.

The Lord blew me away by using your special moment in time.


Kim Thompson said...

I must say, that is an AMAZING story! Dawn, you are a cool gal, and I am proud to be your friend!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting these!!!! I've known this guy since he was born and HE IS AMAZING! No way it was just chance that you captured this moment ;) Thanks for being the kind of documentarian who is in tune with The Spirit enough to act on your prompting to stop and snap these! Blessings on you!

familygregg said...


You people keep making me cry. In a good way.


Debbie A said...

With tears I scrolled through the photos. You were a Godsend to them and to us who care about them. Who knew their special moment would be documented so beautifully? There's only One who prearranges appointments like this! What an affirmation! What a blessing. May you continue to increase in talent and sensitivity. Thanks for sharing.

Erin McFarland said...

This is so awesome! God had you there at just the right moment to capture something so special for that couple! You can't recreated that kind of a moment! Love these... what a blessing to that couple!

Anonymous said...

Wow...that is truly amazing Dawn, you were there at that moment and took these incredible photos - definately a God moment. It is always so cool to see how the Lord blesses His people with others like yourself. Thanks for making yourself available - its not by chance, but by the spirit. May your cup overflow with many more opportunities to reach out to others in this special way. You definately have a gift for capturing the moment.
Thanks for sharing!
Misty -